A little help from my friends.
I could use some advice…got a bunch of plants last fall from a friend who’s starting a prairie in her yard and had some excess native plants to share. Weather turned before I could get all of them into the ground, and some of them are still sitting in boxes in my garage, rootballs intact. I’m wondering if there’s any point in trying to plant them now. I also have one hosta bought at an end-of-season sale, still in its black pot. I figure since all this stuff goes dormant over the winter, it might be fine if I plant it now. Anybody ever done this?
Posted on Sunday, April 4th, 2010 at 6:11 pm. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Judybusy says:
I bet the hosta will be OK. I once gave a neighbor some hosta, which she let sit on the ground through a winter and most of a spring. When she planted them, they grew just fine! I would check the rootballs, and if they seem to be moist at all, throw them in. What have you go to lose? Also, thanks for the “don’t do anythig” tip for the lilacs! I will be planting sweet woodruff near said lilacs this year, thanks to your ringing endorsement. Always meant to, but this is the tipping point.
Posted at April 5th, 2010 at 10:23 am
Julie Robinson says:
Go ahead and plant them; you’re only out your time if they don’t make it. I ordered plants a few years ago and when they came they were dried out and appeared to be dead. When I called the nursery, they reshipped the entire order, but also said to plant the originals anyway. Most of them ended up thriving. It’s worth a try!
Posted at April 5th, 2010 at 10:40 am
tt says:
All right, ladies, I’m going for it. This will be interesting, since I have no idea anymore what’s in those boxes in the garage, except they’re natives. It’ll be fun to see what they turn out to be!
Posted at April 5th, 2010 at 5:37 pm
Thomas says:
Check the root ball. If it is tight, pull it apart and soak it in a bucket of water before planting.
And since you are planting prarie stuff, you need a couple of Bison to fertilize it. ;>)
Posted at April 5th, 2010 at 7:14 pm
Vickie says:
deb, you would not believe how many perennials Gary buys in the late fall, plants in their box in the ground and then digs them up in the spring to replant somewhere else..he has had remarkable success!
Posted at April 12th, 2010 at 9:50 pm